Why Failure Is Key To Success How
This week we discuss why failure is key to success. Most people underestimate how many times they might fail at something before they succeed. Some of the most successful people have had several failures before their biggest wins.
Most of us are very quick to share our successes but not our failures. However, failure is necessary. It aids in learning, growing, and overall development. Failure means that you tried something. We shouldn’t fear failure because it is part of the road to success.
In this episode:
● Defining failure & success
● Examples of failures of some of the most successful individuals
● Why failure is key to success
● How to handle failure
✉️ Email Me: basiarestrepo@gmail.com
Disclaimer: The contents of this podcast are for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health care providers/professionals with any questions you may have. Tea With Basia should not be considered treatment or medical advice. You must always follow your medical professional's advice and direction. I, Basia Restrepo, am not a mental health professional. This podcast reflects my own opinions and experiences.
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